
Ultrasonic Flowmeter – ULTRAFLUX
Download Katalog Ultraflux Ultrasonic – ultraflux Ultraflux has specialised in ultrasound instrumentation since 1974, developing, manufacturing and selling solutions based on the ultrasonic transit time difference principle. This method enables non-intrusive, permanent, portable and bi-directional flow measurements to be taken. The Ultraflux range is primarily made up of flow meters and detectors. It includes: Portable flow meters, Fixed flow meters for full pipe flows, Fixed flow meters for free surface flows, Sphere […]

Pressure Tranducer – VIATRAN
Viatran is a worldwide leader providing innovative pressure and level transmitters. Our high accuracy transducers and rugged pressure transmitters provide repeatable measurements over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. Viatran pressure sensors offer mV/V, voltage and 4-20 mA outputs along with a variety of electrical connections and pressure port fittings. Our pressure sensor product families include standard […]

Multiphase Flowmeter – DIP MPFM
Unlike many of its competitors, the DIP MPFM utilizes a vibration sensor that is mounted to the outside of existing pipe – making it the easiest on the market to install and implement – not to mention the most cost effective. FEATURES: Permanent 24/7 Flow Analysis Clamp on installation onto existing pipe decreases implementation costs […]

Smart Diver – PLA pl The PLA SmartDiver is a ruggedised mud diver that provides measurement of mud levels, settling zones and overflow clarity in thickeners, clarifiers, washers and decanters. Tank profiling (suspended solids vs depth) is also provided, as it is specific gravity profiling and bed level measurement. Process engineers, armed with the kind of data this level […]

Phase and Pig Signal Detector PSD The Minisonic PSD sphere detector offers reliable detection even in the case of contiguous spheres. This device is used to control the transmission and reception of petroleum product physical separators or cleaning scrapers inside hydrocarbon pipelines. This detector can be placed without obstructing the flow and hence without hindering the passage of the […]

Maintenance Tool
Pressure Calibrator Temperature Calibrator Clamp Meter Decade Resistance Box Multimeter Frequency Calibrator Hart Communicator Infrared Thermometer Insulation Tester Loop Calibrator Multifunction Calibrator Precommisining and Commisioning tool Hydrotest Unit